The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi and has classes from I (One) to X (Ten). There are five distinct educational levels Primary. Middle and Secondary each planned to cater the particular needs of the students of their age-group while simultaneously providing their vertical mobility with lateral thinking.

It is note worthy that Computer Courses are offered from Standard I onwards.

The school has a carefully selected School Teachers drawn from different parts of the country. The desired teachers students ratio (1:30) and healthy teacher taught relationship team of Public enables individual attention which helps in laying a sound foundation for academic excellence. The result in the Board Examinations have always been excellent.

The academic subjects are grouped under various faculties and each faculty is headed by a well experienced senior teacher. Regular faculty meetings are held to review the work of the students and to discuss important academic matters with a well chalked out and streamlined daily routine. The students are properly focused to reach their full potential and are taught the importance of sound working habits. No student is allowed to or has the opportunity to idle away any time.




Modem well equipped science laboratories are the backbone of the science faculty of our school. There are separate laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Research facility at micro level is available under the expertise of heads of the department. Qualified laboratory technicians and laboratory assistants help the students in the practical periods under the guidance of subject expert.


There are spacious playgrounds for Football, Basketball, Cricket, Badminton, Table tennis, Volleyball, Tennis, Skating etc. and facilities for indoor games are also available. Regular coaching is given in Athletics, Football, Basketball and mass physical training.