“The enthusiasm, dedication and interest of the headmistress, the staff and the children is apparent. I wish them all the very best of luck”.

Sl. No.Name of StaffsDesignationQualificationSubject
1.Smti. Songio YaliHeadmistressMA, B.EdHindi
2.Shri Dai TalomTGTBA. B.EdHistory
3.Shri Songio TateTGTMA, B.EdPolitical Science
4.Shri Tagiam SorangTGTMA, B.EdHindi
5.Shri Osing TaiTGTB.Sc, B.EdHome Science
6.Shri Rumik TaroTGTB.Sc, B.EdPhysics
7.Shri Nangku TabohTGTB.Sc, B.EdMathematics
8.Shri Dai ArunPRTBA, Del.EdEnglish
9.Shri Rigio KarnanTGTBA, B.EdEnglish
10.Shri Margang TapiTGTB.Sc, B.EdBiology
11.Shri Gichik TatangTGTB.Sc, B.EdChemistry
12.Shri Yura tamarPRTBA, Del.EdSocial Science
13.Miss Sorang MamaPRTB.Sc, Del.EdScience Laboratory
14.Shri Dai TaluPRTBA, Del.EdGame & Sports
15.Shri Lungyuk TatupPRTBA, Del.EdGeography
16.Shri Dayum TatakPRTBA, Del.EdEVS